Venue booking form

Annual Membership for suppliers $650

• Manned stall at the venue stall at the Vendor Hub / Redlands Coast Collective Market’s Lover’s Market • Venue listed on the trail map • Venue to be decorated by stylist • Gold listing on the RCWT event page • One social media post • Database of couples who pre-register / attend the event • Directional signage to RCWT event • RCWT Posters – personalised for the venue • Discounted wedding installation at venue for marketing • Annual Membership to RCWT website for venues: • A specialised venue directory • Website listing • Profile page • Profile page allows up to 15 images • Profile page into (50 words) plus bio with up to 200 words • Specialised profile page features Contact name, number, website, email address, map and venue specs / icons • Three blog submissions per year (content to be provided by member – standards apply. Must supply by Feb 28 2025) • Eight social media posts per year (content to be provided by member – standards apply) • Free marketing material in the RCWT event tote (must book for the event) • Database of couples who register on the site RCWT WEBSITE MEMBERSHIP FOR VENUE PERKS • Discounted Photography for marketing • Discounted Print packages • Discounts on additional social media posts • Includes annual membership to RCWT website • Photography package – optional extra
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 15 files.
These photographs need to pertain to your business.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
Please upload your public liability insurance – min $20million
Prize Sponsors – Minimum $100 • One social media post about prize and business (content to be provided by member – standards apply) • Listing as prize sponsor on the website • If prize value is over $1000 then more sponsorship value will be added via negotiation
Partnership packages Packages include a wide range of options from the below. Each package is tailored to your business’s needs. • Annual RCWT website membership • Sponsorship recognition on website • Space at RCWT event wedding hub • Database of couples who pre-register / attend the event • Blog submissions per year (content to be provided by member – standards apply) • Social media posts per year (content to be provided by member – standards apply)
Details for Gold and Platinum Sponsorship are available in the info pack emailed to you.

Terms and Conditions

1. The parties to this agreement are: a. Exhibitor / Member: You and your business b. Promoter: The Redlands Coast Wedding Trail team c. Event: The Redlands Coast Wedding Trail 2025 (RCWT) d: Website Membership: The Redlands Coast Wedding Trail 1/2025 – 1/2026 2. By completing and returning the application, and by the due amount, the Exhibitor/Member is deemed to have read and accepted the terms set out herein, which form part of the agreement. 3. The Exhibitor/Member agrees that the information in the application is true and correct. 4. The Exhibitor/Member agrees that the business or company name being used is properly registered. 5. The Promoter will grant to the Exhibitor/Member, upon full payment for the cost of participation and membership, and receipt of signed application the right to occupy a space at the Event or website presence where applicable. 6. Once the Promoter accepts the total cost of participation to exhibit at the Event or appear online and allocates a site to the Exhibitor/Member, the money exchanged becomes non-refundable. 7. The Promoter reserves the right to allocate any site to the Exhibitor/Member by the Promoter. The Promoter’s decision will be final. 8. The Exhibitor/Member agrees to share the promotion of the event on the Exhibitors/Member online presence including social media etc. with RCWT branding and sponsor logos which will be provided by the Promoter. 9. The exhibitor/ Member shall at its own expense and risk, deliver, prepare, construct and place their items at the space designated by the Promoter. 10. The Exhibitor/Member agrees: a. To attend the Event and to display relevant merchandise on the allocated display space during all of the operating times specified by the Promoter. b. To dress and complete the space by 9:30am on the day of the Event. c. Not to dismantle the display before 2pm of the Event. d. Not to display or distribute any literature other than the business name stated on the application. e. To maintain all display material within the allocated site area in accordance with Health & Safety regulations. 11. The Promoter will attempt to have all engaged couples attending the Event complete a questionnaire, and information obtained shall be collated by the Promoter and supplied to the Exhibitor/Member on the following basis: a. The Exhibitor/Member agrees not to communicate the information to any person other than an employee of the Exhibitor/Member, and only for use in connection with the Exhibitor/Member’s business. b. The Exhibitor/Member will be held solely responsible for ensuring that there is no unauthorized use of the information by any person whatsoever, and will be responsible for any loss or damage suffered by the Promoter as a result of any breach of this condition. 12. All Exhibitors/Members must carry and provide to the Promoter up to date Public Liability Insurance to the value of $20 million. 13. It is the responsibility of each Exhibitor/Member to staff their area/space for the length of the Event. 14. It may be mandatory for both attendees and Exhibitors/Members to wear masks, this will depend on the current COVID19 restrictions that are in place at the time of the Event. 15. Should an unlikely event arise, resulting in the Event not being able to go ahead on Sunday 2 Feb 2025, the Promoter will organise to transfer the Event to another date free of charges and fees.

What next?

Thank you for your submission! We look forward to working with you. An invoice will be issued to you via MYOB for your membership and we will also begin working on your online presence.